University of Novi Sad Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin


The aim of the course is to provide students with basics and current knowledge of the theory and practice of non -conventional energy sources, energy resources, budget elements and basic dimensioning, design, technology solutions, equipment and significance for future technological development .

Theoretical study:

Conventional sources, technology and resources - coal, oil , natural gas. Non -conventional sources of energy. Solar energy. Wind energy. Geothermal Energy. Energy biomass. Bio- gas. Heat pumps. Other renewable energy. Rational use of energy. Energy efficiency.


Practical study:


Practical teaching units in thermodynamics. Solar energy . Wind energy . Geothermal Energy. Energy biomass. Bio- gas. Heat pumps. Rational use of energy. Energy efficiency.


General information


Study program: Environmental Engineering


Semester: 3

Lectures: 4

Exercises: 4



Ph.D. Miroslav Lambic, full time professor

Email: [email protected]


Course books


1. 1.. Lambić, M. Energetika, Tehnički fakultet "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, 2007.

2.  J. Tester, E. Drake, M., Driscoll, M. Golay, Sustainble  Energy The MIT Press, GB 2005.

3. D. Gvozenac , B. Nakomčić, Smaragdakis,, B. Gvozdenac, Urošević, Obnovljivi izvori

   energije, FTN-a 2010.