University of Novi Sad Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin


Theoretical teaching

Concept, categorisation and classification of waste; Structure and volume of solid municipal waste; Collection and transport of waste; Integral management of solid waste; National, EU and world legislation on waste management; Key principles of waste management; Recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion, waste as a fuel, new technologies for energy utilisation, disposal of waste on the landfills; Classification and categorisation of hazardous waste; Basel convention; Sources of hazardous waste; Hazardous waste management; Hazardous waste management: reduction, separation, transfer, re-use, recycling, burning; Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste; Industrial, biohazard, pharmaceutical and electronic waste; Risk management;


Practical teaching

Exercises with practical examples; Procedures; Hazardous waste labelling; European catalogue of waste;


General information

Study program: Undergraduate studies – Industrial engineering


Semester: 5.

Lectures: 2

Exercises: 2



Milan Pavlovic, full professor

Email: [email protected]


Course books

  1. Pavlovic M, Ekolosko inzenjerstvo, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnicki Fakultet Mihajlo Pupin, Zrenjanin, 2004.
  2. Pavlovic M, Cvrsti i opasni otpadi – sistematizacija, upravljanje i deponovanje, Skripta, Interno izdanje TFMP, 2006.
  3. Ilic M, Miletic S, Osnovi upravljanja cvrstim otpadom,  Institut za ispitivanje materijala, 1998.
  4. Jaksic B, Ilic M,  Upravljanje oppasnim otpadom,  Urbanisticki zavod Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, 2000.