University of Novi Sad Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin



The aim of the subject is acquiring scientific knowledge, academic skills and practical abilities for interpretation and application of legal norms from Environmental Law as well as to understand the origin, development and changes in this field. Students are to be informed about international and national sources of Environmental Law and the process of harmonization of our legal system with EU law in the field of Environmental Law.


Subject Results

The results of studying are acquiring general and specific theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities that enable students for quality and competent work in the field of Environmental Law, primarily enforcement of regulations. Secondly, students can understand the structure of Environmental Law and legislation as well as international standards in this field and are able to apply directly the acquired knowledge.



General information

Study program: OM


Semester: V


Exercises: 4+2



Nadezda Ljubojev, Ph.D

Email: [email protected]


Course books

 1.      Todić , Savremeno pravo i zaštita životne sredine, Megatrend, Beograd, 2008.

 2.      Milenković , Zbirka propisa iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine, Službeni   glasnik, Beograd, 2006.

 3.      Vodici kroz EU politike, Zivotna sredina, Evropski pokret Srbija, Životna sredinaProjekat se realizuje u saradnji sa Istraživačkim centrom Slovačke asocijacije za spoljnu politiku RC SFPA i uz podršku Slovačke agencije za međunarodnu razvojnu saradnju Slovak Aid,