General theory of systems (development, structure, types of systems, system and environment, system characteristics, principles of systematic approach); Tasks of analysis and synthesis of thermal process systems - TPS (elements and connection of TPS, interactions between TPS and environment, classification and properties of TPS, TPS hierarchy); Criteria of TPS efficiency, limitations in TPS design and operation; Methods of analysis and synthesis of TPS; TPS mathematical models,Mathematical models; Mathematical models assembly methods; Theoretical methods of mathematical models assembly; Experimental methods for mathematical models assembly; Adequacy of mathematical models; Examples of mathematical models and simulations in TPS.
General information
Study program: Undergraduate studies, Environmental engineering
Semester: 6.
Lectures: 3
Exercises: 3
Branka Nakomcic-Smaragdakis, associate professor
Email: [email protected]
Course books
- Stevanovic J, Modelovanje i simulacija procesa, Tehnolosko-metalurski fakultet, Beograd, 1995.
- Nakomcic B, Modelovanje i simulacija sistema, Skripta, Interno izdanje FTN, 2003
- Basic Dj, Modelovanje i simulacija sistema, Skripta, Interno izdanje FTN, 1995.