The program covers the objectives, principles, and components of sustainable development and strategies of sustainable development at the national and local levels. A student who successfully masters the contents of the program is capable of understanding and applying the paradigm of sustainable development in further professional training; he can analyze shortages in development concepts in different sectors at micro and macro levels and create sustainable solutions for environmental development and protection; he can perform synthesis of all three development pillars of sustainable development (economic, social development and environmental protection) by using system approach.
Theoretical and practical study:
Introduction to the concept of sustainable development. Drafting legislation relevant to the concept of sustainable development in the field of environmental protection. Theoretical basis of the concept of sustainable development. Ethics associated with the concept of sustainable development. The principles associated with sustainable development. European integrations and sustainable development. Indicators of the state of environment in the EU Strategy of sustainable development. Sustainable development and a local community. Indicators of economic factors of a local community. Indicators of institutional factors of a local community. Indicators of social factors of a local community. Environmental indicators of a local community. National priorities of Serbia in realizing sustainable development by the year 2017. The analysis resulting in an overview of the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT ) of sustainable development of Serbia. The economy of Serbia - knowledge based sustainability. Principles of the Strategy of sustainable development of Serbia. The socio-economic conditions and prospects of Serbia. Public health and the corresponding strategic goals and priorities. Natural resources of Serbia. The risk factors involved in the environment of Serbia. Impact of the economy to the environment of Serbia.
General information
Study program: Engineering management- master,
Semester: IX
Lectures: 2
Exercises: 2
Ph.D Vladimir Šinik, assistant professor
Email: [email protected]
Course books
1. Grootveld , Egbert Van Spiegel , Philip Vergragt , Paul M Weaver , Sustainable Technology Development Greenleaf Publishing 2000
2. Milan Pavlovic, Sustainable Development - Script Inside Edition TF Mihajlo Pupin 2008
3. Mara Djukanovic, Environment and Sustainable Development Elit , Belgrade 1996
General information
Study program: Industrial engineering,
Semester: I
Lectures: 2
Exercises: 0
Ph.D Vladimir Šinik, assistant professor
Email: [email protected]
Course books
1. Grootveld , Egbert Van Spiegel , Philip Vergragt , Paul M Weaver , Sustainable Technology Development Greenleaf Publishing 2000
2. Milan Pavlovic, Sustainable Development - Script Inside Edition TF Mihajlo Pupin 2008
3. Mara Djukanovic, Environment and Sustainable Development Elit , Belgrade 1996