University of Novi Sad Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin


Theoretical teaching: Concept of waste; Composition of municipal waste, characteristics of municipal waste; National legislation on municipal waste; EU and World legislation on municipal waste; Waste management, main characteristics of waste management, waste management plan; Waste disposal, utilisation of landfill gas; Waste collection and separation facilities; Separation and recycling of electronic waste; Combustion of municipal waste; Mechanical and biological treatment of waste; Composting of municipal waste; Special flows of waste in urban areas (medical, batteries, accumulators); Transportation and vehicles for waste transport; Methods for separation of secondary raw materials on the collection spot and after the transportation; Landfill closure; Management of sanitary landfills, equipment for sanitary waste disposal; Financial implications waste management methods;


Practical teaching: Exercises from all fields of waste management; Learning to work in software for modeling the landfill processes; Examples of good practice in industry.


General information

Study program: Undergraduate studies, Environmental Engineering


Semester: 6.

Lectures: 3

Exercises: 2



Goran Vujic, associate professor

Email: [email protected]


Course books

  1. Mihajlov A, Vujic G, Ubavin D, Upravljanje cvrstim otpadom, Skripta, interno izdanje FTN, 2007.
  2. Ilic M, Miletic S, Osnovi upravljanja cvrstim otpadom, Institut za ispitivanje materijala, 1998.
  3. Jaksic B, Ilic M, Upravljanje opasnim otpadom, Urbanisticki zavod Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, 2000.
  4. Grupa autora, Nacionalna strategija upravljanja otpadom, Ministarstvo za zastitu zivotne sredine, 2003.